Welcome to the Mushin, Yugen and Ima sculptures. Here you will find contemporary wood and Washi Paper sculptures inspired by the arts of Japan, China and Asia in general. These sculptures are approximately 30 inches in height. Many of them (if desired) can incorporate LED lighting to serve as soft light in a room, others are clocks. For still images, please scroll past videos. Custom pieces are available.

For me, these works are miniature, contemporary versions of Asian temples. They seem to blend well with less structured environmental forms such a plush upholsteries and fabrics much as stone is such a beautiful compliment to water. Inversely, they also work well bringing clean simplicity to complex environments. Because of their almost monochromatic colour scheme they can be utilized as somewhat of a neutralizing, balancing affect to more colourful rooms. Some of the sculptures utilize rechargeable LED puck lights but they can also be wired for 120v lighting, although there may be some issues around local government electrical codes that would need to be considered. The tops of the sculptures are attached to the bases with small magnets. The materials used in construction are Japanese Washi paper, Eastern Poplar wood and Cypress wood. Japanese paper has a history of being extremely resilient. The sculptures can be dismantled should the need for repairs ever arise. I hope you find as much enjoyment in these sculptures as as I did in their creation. These sculptures are $3200 CAD each, including packaging but not shipping.

Mushin 1

Yugen 8


Yugen 5

These sculptures can be disassembled should repairs become necessary. The paper is Japanese Washi paper and is very strong but still can be stained or damaged. Obviously it must not get wet but the paper was applied in a humid climate (Vancouver Island) and should be fine in drier climates as it will just tighten to some degree. The wood is Eastern Poplar but yellow cedar can be substituted. For paper please contact The Japanese Paper Place. Feel free to contact me for other questions.

Mushin 2

Yugen 7


Ima 2

Ima 3

“Mushin” refers to a state of no-mind, in which one is free of preconceptions, attachments, future and past, thus able to respond to the situation at hand in a spontaneous, clear, effective manner.

The word “Yugen” can be translated from Japanese as “mysterious profundity”. It is the inherent beauty in an object, deeper than at surface level, the quiet quality that speaks to us on a heartfelt, intuitive level, inspiring contemplation and quietude.

“Shizuka”, in Japanese, means peaceful, quiet, calm, in harmony and at One with life.

"Ima" means here, now, in this moment.